Silver Member
I don't think I'll be trying this one out. I have Prime and never use it. I pay $7.99/mo for Google's offering and have been very pleased with it. If we had a third and/or fourth member of the family who could use it, I MIGHT give it a try for the family membership, but I'm just no interested. I'll find ways to get the music I want if Apple pulls exclusivity deals out of their back sides, but until then, I'm content with the services I have. I can also listen to Sirius xm for free on the app now (used to cost an extra $3.something a month in addition to my paid off lifetime subscription) as well, which is awesome now that I gave the wife the car with the satellite radio when we bought my truck.
Their were rumors of the G1 before it came out, but I'd have to say they were early with the iPhone...as much as I hate to admit it. Pretty sure that was the very last time though.
Eh. Even then there were already smartphones on the market. Maybe not great ones but the idea that they invented the smartphone is a huge misconception.