Apple Responds To Exploding iPhones


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Oct 6, 2011
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There have been a handful of iPhone units reported to catch fire over the past few weeks. On the surface it would appear that Apple is about to experience the same sort of issue Samsung experienced with the Note 7 months ago. According to Apple the fault does not lie with their iPhone 6 and iPhone 6s units, but rather outside causes. Their have only been eight reports of this happening so far and as far as Apple is concerned this is not a safety issue.

The phones are likely exploding due to a phone being dropped causing internal problems, or a third party charger causing the phones to overheat and then eventually catch fire. These were also thought to be the issues of the Note 7 at first. While Apple may not think this is an issue the Shanghai Consumer Council is getting involved. It should be noted that the majority of these issues are coming from the iPhone 6 which is now a two year old device. As cell phone batteries age they tend to expand. I have had several older batteries expand to the point of no longer being able to use my phone. Maybe this is just an age issue.

via BBC
Hmmm... good to know it is mainly a IPhone 6 issue!

Sent from my Sexy IPhone 7+
Time to ban these too from plains?

Absolutely!! don't want to catch the grass on fire!

If I didn't know any better, I'd say Apple didn't want Samsung to be the only ones with a patent on "spontaneous hand warmer mode" now that winter is upon us all in the northern hemisphere.
Psst. Look for Apple to sue Samsung because Apple patented fire back in 07.

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I find it interesting that the latest on the Note 7 seems to indicate that the phones were made too thin to allow the battery it's normal expansion. Who tries to make the thinnest phones? APPLE. So the rush to thinness can cause the phones life to shorten and sometime dramatically. Almost like the same desire in humans...
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