JT already answer your questions but I'll add the following:
Careful freezing apps. I cannot stress this enough. Some utilities do not freeze (as in renaming the app). I have plenty of experience screwing up my DroidX with some utilities. A possible cause is that an app needs permissions. For example, apps under the /system/app have "read only" permissions to you. Some need special permissions and when you backup and app, delete it and then restore it (note I am not talking about freezing which leaves the file's permissions intact in /system/app) the permissions may not be retained and then everything is REALLY screwed.
One more thing: apps store stuff under the [crap, i forgot the folder] folder. If you restore with Titanium and restore the data (like the settings, etc) be ready for failures.
In short, be careful with "backing up". JT's suggestion (Jrummy's app) is a good alternative to bloat freezer -the developer is one of the best! I am the happy owner of a few of his appsI personally love ROM Toolbox Pro.
I have been seriously considering that app but have bought others like tbu and hate to have wasted my money. Even though only $5. Call me cheap!! LOL.
Dose it's file explorer allow you to access your home cpu through lan and an ftp server anywhere over the network? If not i may stick with what i have thus far.