P pilot25 Member Jan 16, 2010 #16 What is that cool music widget with the picture above the play arrow? "Says memory card is unava" I assume that's a album cover picture.
What is that cool music widget with the picture above the play arrow? "Says memory card is unava" I assume that's a album cover picture.
J jasonb Active Member Jan 16, 2010 #17 pilot25 said: What is that cool music widget with the picture above the play arrow? "Says memory card is unava" I assume that's a album cover picture. Click to expand... thats the smaller of the two Mixzing widgets.
pilot25 said: What is that cool music widget with the picture above the play arrow? "Says memory card is unava" I assume that's a album cover picture. Click to expand... thats the smaller of the two Mixzing widgets.