I'm a smartphone newcomer, so I have no basis for comparison insofar as other smartphones are concerned. Obviously, the X is a staggering upgrade over my LG enV2. :wink:
Overall, I love the phone. Apart from the fact that it's just plain fun to tinker with, it's also fast and puts a world of info at my fingertips. The apps I've installed, on the recommendation of the good people here (yay LauncherPro, AK Notepad, Ringdroid, and Handscent!) have only enhanced what was a pretty great experience to begin with.
I haven't had the speaker volume issues others have -- at least not to the point where it's a problem. (It may help that I created ringtones from my downloaded songs, which are somewhat louder than the stock ringtones.) I did have a problem early on with lagging and freezing, but I uninstalled a few apps that weren't working properly and now all's well.
My one complaint -- and it's a fairly substantial one -- has to do with Contacts. Try though I might, on the phone or in Gmail, I can't ever seem to get my contacts to go (or, more to the point, stay) where I want them. I'd love to be able to default to Phone Contacts every time I press the Contacts shortcut button ... but no joy there. And I'm perplexed and extremely irritated by the random reassignment of my ringtones. I noticed earlier today that all of my co-workers suddenly show the Beatles' "Girl" as their ringtone, when I'd assigned them Steely Dan's "Dirty Work." It also inexplicably changed my default ringtone. If anyone has any thoughts on what could be causing it, I'd be grateful, because it's driving me batsh**.
On the whole, though, those are minor quibbles. After years of not understanding the need for phones that do everything but the laundry, I'm now officially a Droid convert. :hail: