These guys really need to learn what it is they are selling. I mean half the time they are just hanging out in the store doing nothing. Anyhow, this is what happened.
I enter my local V-store yesterday just before noon to buy a USB/car adapter. I also decide to buy another car dock as well so I don't have to keep swapping out between vehicles. The SR goes to the back and comes out with a value-pack that includes the Car dock, HD dock, USB cable and headphones. I tell him that I don't need all of that and he starts into his pitch about how it is such a great deal and then throws me this big whopper..
Sales Rep "Do you every plan on hooking your phone up to a monitor or TV with the HDMI interface?"...
Me: Yeah, I do it all the time..
SR: "Oh, so you have the HD dock?"...
Me: No, I just plug directly in to the HDMI port on the phone and my TV
SR: You can't do that. It won't work, you need the HD dock.
Me: No really, it does work.
SR: You must be thinking of the USB port. The HDMI is for transmitting video to a monitor.
Me: It will do more than that, it will mirror it's self onto the monitor.
SR: See you are talking about the USB.
Me: What?
SR: The USB will let you copy stuff to a PC.
Me: No, mirror as in what I see on the phone's screen is sent to a monitor..You know "Mirror"
SR: (5 second dumb look)..... I think you are still talking about something different because you have to have the HD dock for HDMI to work.
Me: Can I just get a USB adapter and car dock.
SR: SURE...Whatever you need.
I'm sorry but that is hilarious! I'm embarrassed for him at the same time.
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