im not typing papers on a tablet, and some people (older people) can't see on a 10.1 inch tablet. i still want one!
Face it, no one needs a tablet. They didn't really exist in a big way until a year or so ago and we got along fine without them.
I don't mean this in offensive way, but that type of thinking is blind to the vision. There is a reason that Google, Microsoft and Apple are fighting so fiercely over this market and it's not because of the way that today's Tablets are used.
Like you said, no one needs a Tablet today but that's very short-sighted.
Envision a scenario where you have one portable "computing" device. When you are on the go traveling, it functions as a cell phone. When you need something a bit bigger, you fit it into the "Tablet" docking and sit on the couch playing video games, surfing the web or reading a book. Then when you need to write that term paper or work on that office presentation, you plug it into a docking station for a big 21" monitor and keyboard.
Although, personally, I think you'll always see the computer/tablet separate from the cell phone. Mainly because if you drop the phone in a toilet, you don't lose all your data.
But even here, you are seeing the trend towards Cloud computing. One device with all your "storage" backed up to the Cloud or some secure location.
Expensive toy or not, the consumer market is headed that direction FAST.
What you describe will certainly be - someday. That might take 10 years or just 1 year. It depends on how powerful a computer a certain person needs. If all a person needs is to surf the web, post to facebook and do some basic document or spreadsheet creation, then it is here today or at least close. The Atrix is a start. However, it will be much longer before the processor and graphics in a smartphone, or even a tablet, will permit higher level gaming or video or photo editing. Right now the tablet is basically a toy for the vast majority of people in my opinion and that is what I was referring to. When it becomes as powerful as your scenario then it will become a more powerful tool. I don't need a toy. That doesn't mean that I don't want one, but I don't need one.
If you consider a TV a toy, or a cell phone a toy, or a laptop a toy, or a computer a toy... then yes, tablets are toys.