I think you're taking that a step too far. Either that, or I land somewhere in between the two definitions. I see bloat as New2u does. All the extra junk from the carrier (if not the manufacturer as well).To me that definition would include the dialer and messaging apps along with the gallery and others that are core components. Granted I do not use my stock versions of them but my mind sees those not being there or removable as a hindrance to sales and user satisfaction because of the inevitable dummies deleting their core apps by accident or intentionally trying to free up RAM without aftermarket replacements already onboard.
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Beast Mode 4
Obviously, the dialer is necessary for the device to function as a phone and the gallery is necessary to view the pictures when the device is used as a camera. For that matter, the camera app is also necessary to use the hardware.
I guess maybe I lean more towards your view if you paint it with such a broad brush. The things like VZW Navigator and etc that cost money to actually use are most definitely bloat, but other things like Cloud Storage (I get so much free space with my plan), evernote (has free functionality, but also a premium price for added features), and others, while they don't necessarily cost anything to use, are definitely unwanted apps taking up valuable space that could be taken up by apps that I'd actually use.