Unfortunately for me our corporate exchange server requires the SSL connection in order to allow connectivity... big security risk if everything is shipped around unencrypted. Tried but couldn't open connection to the server without SSL.
Yep, unfortunately that method doesn't work with self-signed or wildcard certs.Have you tried going into the Accounts Settings and turning off"Accept all SSL Certificates"? It worked for me. Press and hold the Account you created. Select Account Settings. Scroll down to Incoming Settings. Take off the check mark on Accept All SSL Certificates. Hope this helps. BTW: that little problem also causes battery life issues. Good luck!
That method has been mentioned several times - however it does not address the problem if you are using self-signed or wildcard certificates. If, in theses cases, you do like you suggest and uncheck the "Accept all SSL Certificates" and your server is set to require SSL you will not be able to connect to your email at all.... let alone have access to attacments.DROID : download attachments from their exchange account?
Go to the settings for your account. Then choose Incoming settings. Uncheck the box labeled "Accept all SSL Certificates" All attachments that you have a viewer installed will now open :icon_ banana: