I Love Love Love that you can 'auto create' a QR code for a contact on the Droid handset. Basically if i meet someone at a conference and i talk to them about a friend who i think they should meet i can just 'auto create' a QR code for that contact on the fly for the other person to upload to their phone.
Of course you can also auto create 'your own details' on a QR code to pass along to someone but I've been doing this with a static JPG forever, being able to create a code for every contact is the new unique.
BTW - if you're asking whats a QR code? dont worry I have a QR dummies guide at QR Codes explained -
More Droid commens here - Dean Collins: Bought a Droid
Of course you can also auto create 'your own details' on a QR code to pass along to someone but I've been doing this with a static JPG forever, being able to create a code for every contact is the new unique.
BTW - if you're asking whats a QR code? dont worry I have a QR dummies guide at QR Codes explained -
More Droid commens here - Dean Collins: Bought a Droid