For the redraw issue, there's a setting in launcherpro that will have it attempt to keep itself in memory. However, I'd suggest trying to figure out what is causing the memory bloat (and getting the devs to fix the offending app) for a more permanent fix. Also, are you rooted? If so, feel free to kill off certain apps (and be careful which system apps you uninstall, some are required for other features of the phone... like talk is used for the market). Plus, rooting gives you the ability to get more in-depth in figuring out what the system is doing.
Check out your battery usage meter, that'll give you a fair idea of what might be not only killing the battery, but also maybe gobbling up memory (and yes, the display will likely be tops in that list).
Check out your battery usage meter, that'll give you a fair idea of what might be not only killing the battery, but also maybe gobbling up memory (and yes, the display will likely be tops in that list).