Back to my Thunderbolt

I sold my tb as soon as I got this phone. Reception wise I feel like I made a huge mistake. I would be surprised when I was on 3g on my tb, but on my nexus, it's normal to be on 3g at random places.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk

You try that 4.0.4 leak yet?
My signal problems, which compromised my enjoyment of the phone, disappeared when after 45 days I removed heavy duty Defender case (placed on phone within seconds of store unboxing).

At home mostly got weak 3g signal. As I type instant posting have 4g with all bars.

Why have I not seen other postings referencing problems with phone case? Am I the only one?

Don't have to return phone now. Amazing.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
My signal problems, which compromised my enjoyment of the phone, disappeared when after 45 days I removed heavy duty Defender case (placed on phone within seconds of store unboxing).

At home mostly got weak 3g signal. As I type instant posting have 4g with all bars.

Why have I not seen other postings referencing problems with phone case? Am I the only one?

Don't have to return phone now. Amazing.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums

I have that same case and havent noticed a signal drop when it's on the phone. I'm in a really strong 4G area tho.
Holy mosses 55gb ??? Thank god that I'm locked in to the unlimited plan that is not offered any more.

Sent from my ADR6400L using DroidForums
You try that 4.0.4 leak yet?

I'm actually running the 4.0.4 radios right now. I get 4g mostly everywhere except at work. Which sucks because my tb would have 4g there.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
Holy mosses 55gb ??? Thank god that I'm locked in to the unlimited plan that is not offered any more.

Sent from my ADR6400L using DroidForums

LMAO I was thinking the same thing.. I was looking at my data usage for this month and I am only at 850MB. I don't think I am taking full advantage of having unlimited data!!
I have 4g quite often in the Pittsburgh area with my GN. My only qualm is that sometimes my service will drop and almost kind of reset. Usually when an app has to utilize incoming data. It's odd.

Sent from my GNex!
Here's an example of my experience and why I stuck to my TB [video=youtube;QBmUE-QEMJA][/video]

Sent from my ADR6400L using DroidForums
Im in Socal, OC.. I have 4g at home.. one bar.. 10mbps down.. at the bar near my house, 3g... but i see 4g more than 3g..
So like many people I was anxious to try the GN I upgraded,not so happy at all by the poor 4g coverage, I live in southern California and with my thunderbolt I would rarely see 3g, 4g all the time on my thunderbolt, gave iPhone 4s a shot very simple not my type, I went through 2 phones in a month and only 3gb of data, I'm back to my thunderbolt and great 4g signal all over sc 15 gb of data welcome back :)
Have you considered the Rezound? It does everything the Thunderbolt did and more and without any of it's drawbacks. 4G reception on it is awesome.
An even better option than the Rezound is the Bionic. I worry about the Rezound because the only thing I hear Rez owners say, is "it does everything that your phone does, only better". But there's nothing to back that up. So be careful in your consideration.

The Bionic has a bad reputation, simply because the Razr came out immediately after it. Everything seems worse when a new model is released. When in reality, recent updates made the Bionic solid as a rock.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
An even better option than the Rezound is the Bionic. I worry about the Rezound because the only thing I hear Rez owners say, is "it does everything that your phone does, only better". But there's nothing to back that up.
Well...except every single review so far...

Other than that though, I agree that there is nothing to back it up.
An even better option than the Rezound is the Bionic. I worry about the Rezound because the only thing I hear Rez owners say, is "it does everything that your phone does, only better". But there's nothing to back that up. So be careful in your consideration.

The Bionic has a bad reputation, simply because the Razr came out immediately after it. Everything seems worse when a new model is released. When in reality, recent updates made the Bionic solid as a rock.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums

I have a Rezound. And while 4G reception is nice...its not as reliable or as stable as my RAZR. It keeps getting stuck in 1x in bad reception areas. When its gets 4G in places my RAZR does too. I compared them both to an LTE phone I used to have,,,and they both have better 4G reception. And phone reception is better on the RAZR. So if folks say it does what your phone does, only better...I wonder what they are comparing it to. And what are they comparing. Cuz as of today there is yet to be the perfect phone, or best phone on the market. Every phone on the market has cons. Some are show stoppers depending on who you ask.

And I agree 100% about the Bionic. Ppl still love to rag on it. Whats wild is as of the latest updates its a better phone from what I hear....and yet some folks want ppl to hold on and wait for updates to make the G Nex better...fix issues. But still wanna rag on the Bionic based on before the latest updates..... Hypocrisy at its finest...
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Have you considered the Rezound? It does everything the Thunderbolt did and more and without any of it's drawbacks. 4G reception on it is awesome.

I had two Nexi and both had 4G and other problems. Get the Rezound, it's awesome