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Ban for wifi & radiocomm hack???

Just go read the entire discussion because I was using the radiocom hack and check entitlement to do the free wifi tethering but after reading the entire discussion and getting information from the developer I realize that it is not safe YET

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
Thank you for someone else finally reading!!

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
I been trying to get people to read that whole discussion about 4 g phones for so long....

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
"safe" no one knows right now what is or is not safe. also no one knows what verizon may do if you get caught. It's all speculation right now. reading some of these posts I'm waiting to hear someone say that SWAT will be at your house wen you get caught. As you read through all these posts just remember none of us know if they can tell if your tethering or if they even care enough to check. none of us know what will happen if you get caught. If your worried about it wait a couple months, all of us who are not scared will be sure to let everyone know if verozon catches any of us and what they do or say about it. There are alot of people on here who are not scared about it and some of them are using sick amounts of data. So all I can say is either take the leap and test the waters for the rest of the community or sit back and wait until your sure its safe to come in. Im not trying to be a smart azz. But i dont think any one on here is in verizons IT dept. If I'm wrong let me know.
Honestly I'm not sure if USB tether through PDA net is safe. I would think that it is "safer" but i have never used it. I did a good bit of rooting and wireless tethering on my 3g DX and i did some on my bionic with the check entitlement hack for a little while. That was until i heard from one of the radiocomm hack developers that it did not "cover your tracks" on the 4g devices like it did on the 3g droid 3. So I stopped wireless tethering for fear of losing my unlimited package, which i feel is way more important.

After looking on the Verizon website I actually decided to PAY for the wireless hotspot capability! HAHA if you had told me last year that this would happen I WOULD HAVE TOLD YOU THAT YOU WERE CRAZY! BECAUSE I WAS TOTALLY AGAINST PAYING VERIZON $30 FOR 2GB OF DATA WHEN I WAS ALREADY PAYING FOR UNLIMITED!

BUT there is a reason why...

I found that online that when i tried to sign up for the Hotspot plan I only had to pay 24.99 instead of $30 AND that, if you have the unlimited 4g data plan, you get UNLIMITED DATA tething with the Hotspot plan. Not some bogus 2GB. So in the end i decided it was worth it to pay, for the time being, for the ability to tether wireless and for the piece of mind.

Granted this is decision is up to anyone and i do not care either way which you do. i definitely am not here to bash people who hack and do it for free!

But I do offer this advice.. we don't really fully understand how Verizon tracks this usage and what they will do if you are caught. To me my unlimited data is to valuable to lose. So I wish you good luck with what ever choice you make...
"safe" no one knows right now what is or is not safe. also no one knows what verizon may do if you get caught. It's all speculation right now. reading some of these posts I'm waiting to hear someone say that SWAT will be at your house wen you get caught. As you read through all these posts just remember none of us know if they can tell if your tethering or if they even care enough to check. none of us know what will happen if you get caught. If your worried about it wait a couple months, all of us who are not scared will be sure to let everyone know if verozon catches any of us and what they do or say about it. There are alot of people on here who are not scared about it and some of them are using sick amounts of data. So all I can say is either take the leap and test the waters for the rest of the community or sit back and wait until your sure its safe to come in. Im not trying to be a smart azz. But i dont think any one on here is in verizons IT dept. If I'm wrong let me know.

Sure it's speculation. But it's speculation based on statements by verizon that they will be cracking down on unauthorized tethering, as well as concrete steps they have taken to make it easy for them to tell who is doing it. A leading rom dev has now come along and said that they have hard-coded their new sim cards so they can tell who is tethering data. That sure isn't speculation.

The world is the way it is. Just because you don't think it's fair for big red to care about tethering, or crack down on those that do, doesn't mean they won't.

As 1337 as it would be to "stick it to the man", I will no longer tether. It's not because I'm "too scared" to do it. It's just not an emotional argument for me. With wifi hotspots as ubiquitous as they are now, It's just not worth even the small possibility of losing my unlimited data package.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk
I too have my concerns about free tethering. I was up last night past 01:00 with radiocomm. After searching bunches of spam loaded sites I found a site that offered Radiocomm 11.11.11. I downloaded and installed it. I got right up to the point of plugging in my bionic. I just couldn't go through with the hack. I did do the SqLite hack. I had no problems there. I am rooted and have used the hotspot tether. I'm at about 4 gigs data used with no ill effects. I'm grandfathered unlimited. I don't think I want to use radiocomm until more info is discussed. I am most discouraged that the bootloader is signed. Motorola said something weeks ago about opening the bootloader but never did. Wonder if the htc vigor will be open?

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
I haven't done the radiocomm hack either. The developer said that it doesn't work, so why bother. I have done the SQ edit hack. 6 months from now IF none of us are caught I'm sure most people will be on here will be telling everyone that its safe. I wasn't part of the android community back when people first started doing this with the 3G phones. But I'm sure there were alot of people worried then also. Those of you who were here from the beginning tell me if I'm wrong. If it wasn't for people willing to test the waters, no one would know what you can and cant get away with.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
I had my og droid wifi tethered to my laptop all the time. Nothing bandwidth intensive. Mostly for work.

I just wont do it anymore. By all accounts Verizon is really going to start cracking down on people who tether. They are very conscious of people abusing 4g. They also are now implementing data throttling on people who use too much bandwidth.

And quit couching it as if you are some kind of trailblazer who is "helping" the community by bravely tethering for the sake of us all. If you really want to help the community, go write some free apps, or do some dev work on roms.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk
If you don't want to tether for free anymore, more power to you. If you want to continue to tether for free, more power to you. But as I said if Verizon doesn't "crack down" on the people who are doing it, most of the people who are now saying they wont do it because its to risky will go right back to free tethering.

what your calling data throttling has nothing to do with 4G. What verizon said that they are doing is only on 3G devices with unlimited data plans. Verizon did say they will not alter the connection speed of any 4G device, also if you have a 3G device on a tiered plan they will not alter your speed either. But if you have a 3G device on an unlimited plan, and you are currently over 2GB of data in the current billing cycle, and you are connected to a busy tower that you may experience slower connection speeds so that they can maintain faster speeds for lighter users. As soon as you are on a less busy tower or the tower you are on isnt being strained anymore your speed will be back to normal. that is not the same as data throttling. when once you hit some limit your speed is reduced for the remainder of your cycle.

Iam certinley not a trailblazer, I didnt create the hack, Im using it because I want to. Looking at the number of threds about free tethering, it seems that people want to do but are worried about being caught. So these people will benefit from others who are not as worried as they are. Everyone will find out if verizon is looking into it, and what they will do about it. As I said i'm not tethering for you, I am tethering for myself but the community will benefit from the knowledge .
Take this for what it is 2nd hand information. I just spoke with a old friend of mine, who works for verizon. On the business side in corporate. I asked him about them cracking down on people who tether for free. He had no idea what I was talking about. He said that if they were really looking to hit people on this he would have heard something.

Remember take this for what it is hearsay.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
After looking on the Verizon website I actually decided to PAY for the wireless hotspot capability! HAHA if you had told me last year that this would happen I WOULD HAVE TOLD YOU THAT YOU WERE CRAZY! BECAUSE I WAS TOTALLY AGAINST PAYING VERIZON $30 FOR 2GB OF DATA WHEN I WAS ALREADY PAYING FOR UNLIMITED!

BUT there is a reason why...

I found that online that when i tried to sign up for the Hotspot plan I only had to pay 24.99 instead of $30 AND that, if you have the unlimited 4g data plan, you get UNLIMITED DATA tething with the Hotspot plan. Not some bogus 2GB. So in the end i decided it was worth it to pay, for the time being, for the ability to tether wireless and for the piece of mind.

Granted this is decision is up to anyone and i do not care either way which you do. i definitely am not here to bash people who hack and do it for free!

But I do offer this advice.. we don't really fully understand how Verizon tracks this usage and what they will do if you are caught. To me my unlimited data is to valuable to lose. So I wish you good luck with what ever choice you make...

I checked my VZW account today and found the same thing as well. $25/mo and no mention of the 2GB tethered data cap that I have been told by VZW cust service multiple times since getting my Bionic.

Funny, until today I (along with plenty of others here) have had the same opinion on paying for an unlimited data plan and using it how I wanted. I also didn't understand the 2GB/mo tethering I was supposed to be getting on my UNLIMITED data plan.

Now though, $25 (with corp disc) doesn't seem like a big deal to me; especially since I average 3x the dl/up speeds of my $50 cable internet at home. In the future I will probably be back to giving the middle finger to VZW and hacking my tethering again; but for now, I don't mind the extra $ for what I get out of it.
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Like I said, I tethered with a windows phone for a few billing cycles and never was picked up by black helicopters. I was on 3g unlimited. In fact I was so afraid barnical or open garden wouldn't work that I was not going to buy the Bionic until I new there was a hack. Sure enough nothing worked until I SqLite it. And the speeds while technically are not 4g, the are much better (even tethered) then other carriers speeds.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
Sounds like the Comcast issue. Comcast advertises and sells you a broadband package with speeds up to **. But if you use the hell out of your bandwidth compared to others in the neighborhood Comcast will throttle you down and limit your throughput. It is against the law but Comcast finds it cheaper to pay the fines and lawsuits rather than pay for a system and infrastructure that can actually support what they advertise. I have been throttled before. Verizon is one of many companies under investigation for sneaking small illegal overcharges into customer bills totaling over 2 billion in illegal charges to american consumers every year. So I dont for a second feel bad about sucking down 15 extra MB wirelessly from my laptop or carputer. I pay them good money to begin with.