After looking on the Verizon website I actually decided to PAY for the wireless hotspot capability! HAHA if you had told me last year that this would happen I WOULD HAVE TOLD YOU THAT YOU WERE CRAZY! BECAUSE I WAS TOTALLY AGAINST PAYING VERIZON $30 FOR 2GB OF DATA WHEN I WAS ALREADY PAYING FOR UNLIMITED!
BUT there is a reason why...
I found that online that when i tried to sign up for the Hotspot plan I only had to pay 24.99 instead of $30 AND that, if you have the unlimited 4g data plan, you get UNLIMITED DATA tething with the Hotspot plan. Not some bogus 2GB. So in the end i decided it was worth it to pay, for the time being, for the ability to tether wireless and for the piece of mind.
Granted this is decision is up to anyone and i do not care either way which you do. i definitely am not here to bash people who hack and do it for free!
But I do offer this advice.. we don't really fully understand how Verizon tracks this usage and what they will do if you are caught. To me my unlimited data is to valuable to lose. So I wish you good luck with what ever choice you make...