Barnacle WEP problem


Aug 27, 2010
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Have been helping a friend with his Droid X. Rooted it for him and installed Barnacle. It opens the ad-hoc network fine and he can wireless tether his computer no problem.

Problem is this: He enabled WEP security, and if I try to connect using my Droid 2, it prompts for the password like normal, but when he looks at the network on his laptop (and also a second laptop) it's listed as 'unsecure' and doesn't prompt for a password. A few days ago I emailed the Barnacle developer through his site, but no response yet. Any insight into this?
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Any followup on this? I have the same issue - my computers say unsecured, and I'm not thrilled with an unsecured connection.
Didn't care for barnacle. Try wireless tether for root users.
He doesn't want to change the kernel, so trying to stick with Barnacle. (And I've found out that there are no custom kernels for the X yet).

Edit: looks like there might be an issue with the Barnacle software on the Droid X. Hopefully an update will fix this.
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barnacle issues..

Me too. I've rooted my DX (finally!) and have donated/purchased BARNACLE Tether, and when I apply the WEP feature, my network still shows it as being 'Unsecured'.
This does not fly with me because I don't want leeches on my back.
Will they fix this? could I be doing something wrong?:motdroidvert:
If you search (TBH) thoroughly enough you'll find a way around even having to use wireless tether (3G Hotspot), and it's quite (dvnam) slick.

Search the market fo the TBH app. It's not free, but a pennance for what you get.