I'm sorry but could you put that in more layman terms? From what I understood you recommend plugging the phone in when it is in 25-75% battery, is this correct?
I apologize for the confusion. It appears that charging from near empty to 100% every time stresses the battery causing it to lose charging capacity in a shorter time than if charged partially as needed, so the point was to charge more frequently even if you aren't charging it to full. The example is if you use it till your battery level is 25%, go ahead and plug in for a charge, even if you don't have time to let it charge fully. If it charges to 75%, that equals a 50% charge increase, and in the chart, if you maintained that type of charging routine it would extend your overall battery life.
You would get the same results if you charge to 100%, and then use it to typically about 50% before charging again. The charts evidence suggests that long charging cycles (like from 15% to 100% as a routine), actually shortens useable battery life.
Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk
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