Deranger, i think that you are right on!
I have a Verizon and a generic cheap charger and both do the same.
I play AOR and Slacker via Bluetooth A2DP and noticed battery on orange at end of trip, after i had it on the car charger.
As Deranger and others have pointed mAh output is the culprit. At home i have a 650 mAh and a 850mAh charger and the latter always stays cool and charges faster. The 650 mAh gets lukewarm.
Thx Deranger for the link to above product, discretely hidden as opposed to the
others,and performs well according to reviews. Now need that extra USB-micro cable.
And now i will also shift at will in my Turbo X without bumping my 3rd right
metacarpophalangeal into the charger going into 5th gear
You will need a coiled USB to micro-USB cable for this, really hard to find for
some reason:
The problem sounds like an issue that's been going on with the OD (Original Droid): Hot temps make for a non-charge state. I helped keep the problem from happening by removing the battery door before putting it in the dock for long trips, and also by mounting it in a location where I can point the car vent upwards to give a little extra cooling (or you can keep the defrost turned on to help with cooling as well). I'm thinking about drilling some vent holes in the mount also.
Haven't had the issue on my OD since doing that stuff.
If you are correct i may have to remove my custom mount and use the dash vent clips that came with the MOBI,
i am going with the extra juice solution first as i like clean installs.