This is just absolutely impossible. I don't even think a StarTac got that kind of battery life.
Let's not go crazy now. I had a StarTac and I charged that thing every Sunday night whether it needed it or not.
As for my Droid, count me in the 'improved battery' category.
it was. but i was studying for finals and only made a few calls and txts. i was very surprised also. its now at 50% with 39 hrs of up time. but like i said, thats with studying all day and only playing on the internet to keep track of a football game.
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! 39 hours - holy moly
I'm in the process of getting another phone. This will be number 4. First phone was returned b/c the pullout keyboard didnt work right - the L wouldn't register. The 2nd phone had very very poor battery life. If I got 9 hours I was lucky. This phone I'm also having battery issues with. My battery drained to 15% in 6 hours yesterday and it ran hot the whole time. I'm not running a whole heck of alot of apps b/c of my poor battery life. I'm hoping this next phone on it's way from Verizon will finally solve my battery problem. I was on the line with tech support for an hour Saturday until they finally conceded that I'm just having bad luck with phones. I'm located on LI in NY so coverage is not an issue most of the time - the phone shouldn't be working so hard with only minimal apps in the background.