Battery life and the myth about warming it up


New Member
May 6, 2010
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I dont remember where I heard this before and can not substantiate this but I figure I could throw this out there and see what you guys think.

In any rechargeable battery that comes straight from the factory there is a period of time that it should be "warmed up". From that I mean that the battery should be charged fully and should be drained all the way down before a recharge is applied(at least for the first three charges, but this method should be used as much as possible). The purpose of this is so the battery cells can be stretched out and used evenly. Think about it, if you charge the battery all the way the first time and plug it back in when the battery is at 60 percent, only 40 percent of the battery has been used and the 60 percent that remained has been untouched. If you consistently charge your phone using that type of cycle, most of the battery will not get used and therefore would not be stretched out. On top of that, it would put a lot of strain on the 40 percent of the battery cells being used over and over. That 40 percent would then be worn out a lot faster than it should.

Once again, this story is one that I heard a long time ago by a guy that worked as an engineer but I dont know if he was full of air or not.
This was true a long time ago when NiCad batteries were the dominant battery technology. Now they are pretty much extinct and Lithium Polymer batteries are king. LiPo batteries do not suffer from the "memory" effects that Nickel Cadmium batteries did.

So whoever told you that was right... a long time ago but today it is wrong.
Vitticeps is right, the technology used to be to "exercise the battery", but now with the lithium ion battery you do not need to exercise it.
There is certainly information out there (Google it!) on lithium ion battery care and maintenance. Though, as always, you always have to consider the source.
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