Well, I decided to bite the bullet and try out cyanogenmod.
After my first full day on it, I'm enjoying the customization, the ability to try things out without a lot of reboots, and I even managed to find the newest .13 radio. Most of everything seems to work, after applying the proper patches, Torch and GPS work fine, and I'll test out the camera functions tomorrow to see what happens, since I haven't tried the camera out yet.
The only thing I tried to use and couldn't get to work was the nexus live wallpaper.

Not quite sure what's up with that, as I've yet to read any mentions of that bugging out on anyone.
Now I just have to find out how to optimize battery life. (Granted, I updated to Rev's unofficial nightly halfway through the day, while re-charging after the first drain, so I won't really worry about poor performance until a few days of more normal use go by, but so far it looks like I'll need some major optimization adjustments to get the battery to last me through the day...)
So far, I'm getting only about 6 1/2 hours on the stock battery. A little less on 62, than on rev's 8-15 nightly.
Interestingly enough, this is the first ROM on which the display ISN'T showing as the main battery hog. I forgot to reset Battery stats before flashing, so my data might be a little off, but android battery stats are telling me that I've only used 10% of my battery on the Display. Gmail and Tweetdeck are the two biggest hogs at 28% and 33%. (everything else is reporting about 4% usage. So tonight, I've increased the fetch delays on Tweetdeck, and told Gmail to synchronize fewer messages. I'll see if that helps a little with battery usage, and then I'll have to read up on battery optimization strategies from the forums..