If you use the phone a lot for games and videos and streaming content, the battery (regular or extended) just seem to empty quite quickly. In standby and not using the phone, it certainly lasts for days. But why buy this kind of phone to just sit there? Might as well get a pay as you go phone like a Net10 instead.On an unrelated note, I haven't noticed all that much difference in battery life with extended battery, but it seems as if I am in the minority. I get maybe an extra half-hour to 45 minutes per day. Maybe.)
To be fair, if I used any of my PDAs in the past all day long for web surfing, streaming content and playing games, I'd definitely have to plug the things in every day so a smart phone is really no different save for the addition of a phone network radio and the newer Li-Ion technology batteries instead of the older NiCd or other older tech.