Here's me at 50% battery life.
To anyone thinking about the extended battery, def get it. Here are the stats im getting (i tried to push it a bit today). Currently at 5%
15hrs 4m on battery
Maps:25% gps 1hr 25m
Cell standby: 20% time without signal 0%
Wifi:20% 15hrs 4m
Phone Idle: 16% 11 hrs 37m
Display: 9% 3hrs 30 min (full brightness)
CarHome Ultra: 4% 9m (uses gps and keeps screen on)
Android OS: 4% CPU total 1hr 27m
Android System:3% Keep awake 13m
Also sent 30 text messages, and a couple of phone calls (very short calls, none of which were more than a minute or 2)
I'd say thats not too shabby. I've seen a noticable difference by letting the battery drain completely once, and changing to cdma only. Not sure why carhome ultra is only showing 9m, I thought I used it more than that. The web browsing I did today, and downloads from dropbox didn't even register, and I used it a decent amount while waiting for my car at the mechanic. That much GPS use would really drain other batteries fast. So again, if you are on the fence, def get the extended battery, you won't have to worry about getting through a full day.
Edit: I wasn't connected to a wifi network the whole day either. I spent about 6 hours (maybe a bit less) out and about not connected to wifi
To anyone thinking about the extended battery, def get it. Here are the stats im getting (i tried to push it a bit today). Currently at 5%
15hrs 4m on battery
Maps:25% gps 1hr 25m
Cell standby: 20% time without signal 0%
Wifi:20% 15hrs 4m
Phone Idle: 16% 11 hrs 37m
Display: 9% 3hrs 30 min (full brightness)
CarHome Ultra: 4% 9m (uses gps and keeps screen on)
Android OS: 4% CPU total 1hr 27m
Android System:3% Keep awake 13m
Also sent 30 text messages, and a couple of phone calls (very short calls, none of which were more than a minute or 2)
I'd say thats not too shabby. I've seen a noticable difference by letting the battery drain completely once, and changing to cdma only. Not sure why carhome ultra is only showing 9m, I thought I used it more than that. The web browsing I did today, and downloads from dropbox didn't even register, and I used it a decent amount while waiting for my car at the mechanic. That much GPS use would really drain other batteries fast. So again, if you are on the fence, def get the extended battery, you won't have to worry about getting through a full day.
Edit: I wasn't connected to a wifi network the whole day either. I spent about 6 hours (maybe a bit less) out and about not connected to wifi
Awesome info and write up, think ill be purchasing the extended battery this week, thanks.
Got the extended battery as well, it's definitely an improvement. Since the standard battery door fits on the extended battery, I'm considering getting the wireless charging door.
Moto could have used a bigger battery in this thing without making it any thicker, but they made a smaller one so we would pay another 50 for the extended.
Also I noticed with the X2 the first time you use it and the first charge does not last long because (im guessing) not enough battery stats have been collected to optimize how the milliamps are used. Let it run down and charge it again and it should be good.
Sent from my Droid Bionic!