I have no idea whats going on with my battery life, Charged it last night, listened to some MP3s on the way to class, which is about a hour, when I got to class it hit 90%, I'm like ok, it's doing better now, Looked back at it about 3 hours later and it was at 50%, it was doing nothing the entire time, now I'm looking back at it and it's on 30%
current stats:
8h 11m 28s on battery
Cell Standby: 52%
Phone idle 28%
Android OS 7%
Display 6%
Mediaserver 2%
Android System 2%
What the heck, is Cell standby that much of a battery drainer? Note, I'm using the Extended battery
The more i have this phone, the more i suspect something is up with the cell radios inside the thing. Im not alone in thinking that either...something is seriously up with this thing. The battery drains way faster than my old Droid 1 even when it's sitting there doing nothing idle in my pocket.
I really love the phone, but the battery drain is killing the good mood for me. If we don't get any news of an update from motorola/verizon addressing this issue, I might return it before my 14 days are up and pick out another android device