Day one of testing was with the sim card out, day two with it in. I compared the battery during the day at similar times and tried to have similar use profiles. At the end of each day I had 60% remaining.
Today I will try deleting the social network application's configuration settings.
Day three is ending and I am at 70%! What is extra special about this is that I left WIFI on all day. I also unwittingly left my adhoc wireless connection on at work most half of the day so the WIFI settings only affected part of the day.
Now I'm not saying WIFI gave me longer battery live. I said on the last post that I would test removing the Social Networking configuration. But when I looked for a way to do that, I came up empty. The app has nothing to do this with and under Manage Applications there was not much to do but force closing things. I'll detail this more in the morning if I have time, but suffice it to say that I thought that was basically a failed test. When I got to work I noticed I had left my WIFI on and decided to leave it that way.
So tomorrow I will leave WIFI off and make sure the social networking and social location apps get placed in the autokill bucket. I'll have a cleaner test to report tomorrow, but in the mean time I think we have enough proof that these two applications are a source of battery woes. If most of you were like me, you at least tried the app Social Networking, and perhaps Social Location--parts of the bloat that Moto or Verizon rudely failed to clean off our phones before sending them to us. Well if like me you discovered the remarkably useless work flow that these apps forced you through--describable only by invoking the name Edsel, and then marched off immediately to the market and downloaded the Facebook app and so on, you may well be paying for your natural curiosity with lower battery life. I'll confirm this supposition tomorrow and let you know.