Wifi helps battery. That's how people can go 20 hours on a charge.
Only time it hurts is when its searching for a wifi network.
I've gone 40+ hours on a charge, and that was with wifi off. With wifi on, connected to my network at full strength, the battery drains A LOT faster. I thought the consensus was to shut wifi off when not in use, not just when roaming where it would be scanning for different networks, but even just sitting idle it uses more battery. It makes sense to me anyway. The CDMA antenna has to stay on the whole time to get texts/calls, and having the wifi on is just having something else running/using battery power. I don't see how the battery could possibly last longer with Wifi on.
WiFi uses less battery power than 3g. Go look at Anandtech's review and look at the battery tests. When wifi is on, 3g is turned off so that's why it saves. The phone uses 2g for phone calls and texting from what I understand.
Sent from my DROID3 using Tapatalk
I don't dispute the fact their tests may have shown better life with Wifi. I know that, beyond a shadow of a doubt, BOTH of my Android phones have had better battery life with WiFi off. Maybe it's the case on some phones and not on others?