Alright, I've arrived at where I think is the appropriate place to discuss this.
Sbenson, you seem to be the local expert on batteries, so I deliver these questions to you, or anyone else willing to share some knowledge or advice. :hail:
My problem is, as many of you have also experienced, the poor battery performance of my brand new Verizon GSIII
Now, I'd consider myself a pretty knowledgable guy when it comes to batteries :blink:. I get that lithium-ions don't have a memory, but rather need to be "calibrated". So being that this is a new phone and new battery, the first few charges/discharges, I let it drain fully or very close, then plug it in and charge it until it says.
However, that hasn't changed anything. I've already taken the liberty of installing the apps that member
sbenson recommended to others. I performed to stat-gathering experiements which I'll detail below.
:icon_ cry:
First Experiement
I charged the phone fully at the start of the day. The device had died the night before, so I just waited until I got to work to charge it. I left it off while it charged. Once it was fully charged, I turned it on and used it lightly. You can see the breakdown of my "light" usage in the screenshots attached. Essentially, the phone lasted about
7:30 hours before the battery had drained to
11% capacity.
This seems conclusive enough for me to want to exchange the phone. But I suppose you could argue that an App might be to blame, since you can see in the screenshot it says "App Usage" was 66% of the battery drain. That brings me to my next experiement.
Second Experiement
I wanted to capture something that was irrefutable. So, I charged my phone to 100%, the green light came on, and I unplugged the phone. This was around 4:20AM in the middle of the night, so once I unplugged it, the screen would be off, no apps would be used, and whatever drain the battery experienced would be completely void of user interference.
As it turns out, the "Phone Radio" might be the culprit. After
3:44 hours, the battery was already down to
64% capacity. That's just unforgivable :icon_ nono2:. I lose 36% just by having the phone sit here with the screen off, unused entirely.
(Screenshots for this experiement can be found in the post immediately following this one)
You're probably thinking, he must live in an area with horrible network coverage. The poor phone is just trying desperately to acquire a decent signal.
Wrong :icon_ nono:. The Phone Radio detail page shows that 100% of the time the phone was on, it was in Signal Strength 4 (on a 1-5 scale).
Is something I'm doing causing the radio to act this way? I will note, even with WiFi on, the battery has the same fate, though I don't have any empirical evidence :mellow:
Is the phone radio bad? Will they exchange the phone for this?
Thanks in advance!
:icon_ banana: