Well I found what was draining my battery personally, but the result was definitely not what I had expected :blink:
The first day I got my phone, I rooted it. I will
never posses a non-rooted Android phone. There are many reasons I root my phone, and one of them is the system sounds that come stock. For example, the camera shutter sound, which is also obtrusively played when you perform a screen capture. Yeah, I get that they have to do that because if you open the camera app then take a screenshot, you're essentially still just using the camera, but come on...
So, immediately after I root a phone, I remove all the garbage I don't like. Sounds, apps, etc... After I had installed all the apps I wanted and still had good battery performance, I figured it must be a system app that I was deleting that was causing the drain. As if perhaps the phone was trying repeatedly to launch an system service that I had removed, thereby killing itself. So this time around I skipped deleting apps and just removed the sounds.
Now, I keep referring to the
sounds as a catch-all. However, I'm really referring to a few things. System sounds are one, but the startup/shutdown sounds and boot animations are also on my "purge immediately" list. So I removed those :icon_ devil:
That's when **** hit the fan.
After a couple more hours of resetting, reflashing, testing and tinkering, I found that specifically, it was the
bootsamsung.qmg, and
bootsamsungloop.qmg. Those two files are responsible for the boot animations you see when you power on your phone. I personally hate them, which is why I always delete them. But for some reason if the phone can't find them when it's booting, you get ridiculously horrific battery life.
Since I know now what not to do, I can install whatever else I want, remove any stock apps I don't like, and still have an awesome battery. Check the attachment for what I get now :icon_ banana:
I'm still investigating how to remove the boot animations without hurting the battery. But as a side note, you can still remove whatever sounds you don't like; they have no affect on battery life.
Happy hacking!
P.S. @Fr33dom More info on the batterystats file:
source. Hopefully people don't still believe deleting that file will "re-calibrate" your battery.