Having worked in the cell phone industry i have never trusted any o the" let your battery die the first time" or the "power off when giving the first charge" techniques, but i tried them both this time and i have to say the results i'm seeing are phenominal. I have an uptime of 10 hours and 27 minutes and im at 80%. This is after searching for, installing, and restoring 70+ apps total, browsing this forum for a total of about an hour, customizing every one of my home screens with widgets and icons, watching 7 or.8 youtube videos (varying in length) and sending/receiving about 100 messages. This is all with auto-brightness, wifi, and bluetooth on the entire time. I have honestly never experienced battery life like this since my old curve 8330 (2-3 days). Sorry for gushing, but im literally stunned by this. Who knows, maybe give the method i used a try or see about getting your battery replaced.
Ps, didn't install advanced.task killer and im using launcher pro with all of the memory eating settings turned on. Still at 80%
Good luck