Battery overheating


Mar 27, 2011
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Did a search came up empty..

Few times now I found my TB unusually warm or hot to the touch
and also a couple of times while charging the phone I noticed the phone unusually hot and the charger itself is warm
and no wierd thing running when i check the batt use

anyone else experience this?
Did a search came up empty..

Few times now I found my TB unusually warm or hot to the touch
and also a couple of times while charging the phone I noticed the phone unusually hot and the charger itself is warm
and no wierd thing running when i check the batt use

anyone else experience this?

Yep I've had this happen a couple times at least when it was uplugged and the charge dropped insanely fast. Still havent found any rogue app that was causing it either...only way I've been able to stop it is by turning off my phone and pulling the battery out for a minute and then putting it back in and it stops doing it.

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only reason I pulled the battery was to let the inside cool down faster, from now on I'll pull the batt when this happens cause, man that battery is alot hotter than I thought,, doesn't matter on mine plugged in or not and yes the batt level drops insanely fast
you wouldn't think so according to the meter,, but next time you look it tells you to charge the batt (maybe within 30 or so mins
man I hope this doesn't end up like an episode on 1000 ways to die

from my memory this only happens while in 4G mode,, leaving the phone in 3G for the next few days and use it normally as if in 4G as a test

forgot to mention was using my laptop earlier so I turned on the tethering radio while in 4G
15-20 min later after completing a few tasks online, the phone was hot again
like I said I'll test in 3G and see what happens
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Everytime its happened to me I have had the mobile data turned off. I did find last night that the android system all of the sudden started using the cpu at 100% percent for at least twenty minutes before I restarted my phone, I found it cause my battery charge started dropping quickly, not sure if something is glitching and causing it or what. But, at least this time the battery use screen was actuallly showing the android system draining the battery significantly. Everytime the battery has gotten hot and dropped off it still shows display as the top drainer of battery, even though my screen has been off and phone in my pocket.

Ya and I hear ya about the thousand ways to die...hopefully the phone will shut off before the battery ever gets to that point of exploding lol. ;p

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Yeah, that display in majority is always at 55% or greater, just dont understand how it's draining the batt especially if it's not being used just sitting in it's holster ????
surprising you are the only other one that's experiencing this
Yeah, that display in majority is always at 55% or greater, just dont understand how it's draining the batt especially if it's not being used just sitting in it's holster ????
surprising you are the only other one that's experiencing this

Ya it is but if something in the os was causing it to drain it should have shown up in the battery use screen, thats why I don't understand what is causing it.

Sent from my ADR6400L using DroidForums
Did a search came up empty..

Few times now I found my TB unusually warm or hot to the touch
and also a couple of times while charging the phone I noticed the phone unusually hot and the charger itself is warm
and no wierd thing running when i check the batt use

anyone else experience this?
I am experiencing the same problem. I got the extended battery with my new tbolt. Might be coincidence but since os / kernal whatever upgrade that happened a couple of days ago my extended battery has gone from easily lasting all day with moderate usage to dying after 5 hours with little if any usage. Hot too, that never happened b4. I swapped to the regular battery, I have never used it since I got the phone, and reg bat seems to be running cool and getting better mileage. I have only had it in about 3 hours today, after my extended battery triggered warning <5% charge. but the
Battery was cool all day even in this 90 degree junk.. my usual to do but in 3G, did try to upload a clip but man was that slow, and it even timed out, so I cancelled it
after dinner I toggled it back to 4G to get this clip uploaded, sure nuff batt got hot immediately, like within 5 min, and batt life took a nose dive, it was at around 50% when I switched back to 4G, after the clip uploaded (5 min) the batt was down to 30%
going back to 3G to test for the next couple of days
I've installed the new update 2.3 and since then my battery has been draining alot faster than before! By midday it was already at 40%. What do I do? I was told the update should actually fix the battery was opposite on muah Droid x

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I didn't do the update, or at least I don't think so, hope it's not set to do it automatically
anyway this fast drain has been happening before the new update

can't go back to verizon to ask, I'm afraid they'll just tell me it's normal
This happen to me also I was in an excellent coverage area according to Verizon (0-1) bars and I was uploading a pic to dropbox and since it was taking for ever I put
my phone in my pocket.

About 5 min later I felt something really hot on my leg so I checked and it wad my phone and it was hotter dan hot. I pulled bat out to let it cook down and had about 4% left when I started I know I had either 50-60%.

After that it messed my phone up.

Sent from my ADR6400L using DroidForums
I didn't think this overheating condition is good for any electronic device,,, once this thing fries itself I'm sure the big VZ can't help us out,,let me rephrase refuse to help us out...... even though they know the TB crowd is a bunch of guinea pigs for them
I am having an issue with my droid 3. The battery and phone are so hot that it is hard to hold the phone. When I open the back and take the battery out I can't hold on to it.
The first time it happened it had it in my car dock. The phone acted very strange. Has anyone had this problem?