Thanks all for the advice. Here is a summary of f what I did. Power consumption is reasonable now..
Turn GPS off. Use mobile network for apps using location
Bluetooth manage by app auto bluetooth
Screen brightness to auto
Sync mail schedule to manual during M - F 8-5. Otherwise 15 minutes
Turn off apps. Long hold home key. Icon is to the left
Be mindful of screen on esp during audio books
Use screebl for screen timeout mgmt. Set to 15 seconds when flat.
Again thanks to all.
Turn GPS off. Use mobile network for apps using location
Bluetooth manage by app auto bluetooth
Screen brightness to auto
Sync mail schedule to manual during M - F 8-5. Otherwise 15 minutes
Turn off apps. Long hold home key. Icon is to the left
Be mindful of screen on esp during audio books
Use screebl for screen timeout mgmt. Set to 15 seconds when flat.
Again thanks to all.