Battery Saving Tips

Yes, the UI of JD can be very intimidating. Anyone using it needs to carefully study the below link. After awhile I mastered the settings. If you don't read everything you won't realize JD has a "learning process". During this phase it learns when to connect to your home network. Until it learns this, you'll have to manually turn on WiFi sometimes. I discovered it did indeed do this. This problem was it wasn't consistent enough for me. So far Easy Battery Saver has been rock solid.

Just FYI, the built-in power saver mode turns off 4G. In order to use 4G you must set the Power Mode to "High Performance".

Overview | How to use JuiceDefender


I leave it to power mode with sleep policy set to auto. It turns off my WiFi when not in range of a known network. I usually keep the Verizon data network off if I'm not using it anyway .

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A Rezound phone was used for this TapaTalk post
There are automated apps which provide some battery saving functionality. However, I have yet to come across any that are as comprehensive as the Droid RAZR's Smart Actions (apart from Juice Defender). So if you come across something, let the community know!

AutomateIt Pro is a superior program for 'Smart Actions'. There is no limit as to what you can make into a automatic task. There is a free and paid version for $1.50, a steal in my mind.
But your not mention that turn off GPS. Never-mind i don't think auto-sync eat more battery power.
updated! Hopefully everyone is doing well with their battery saving!