Battery too low to SBF?

Alright. It works, I just cant get the phone to stay on long enough to complete the SBF.
I've got a friend coming over later, so we'll see.
Nevermind. It works. Now its saying invalid battery though
Are you sure you have the cables hooked up to the right terminals? Hopefully you don't have the problem after all this time, but...

Another option is to borrow a battery or use another phone to charge yours for a while.
The phone works, the SBf worked, but I can't charge the battery now. I think i'm just going to take it to Verizon.
I've got the insurance. When I plug the phone in, I get a "battery is invalid" message. No matter what I do, the battery will not charge in the phone, and I get the "Please use a Motorola Certified Battery" message, and no charging.