

Nov 2, 2009
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Does your phone feel warm - hot to the touch after charging?
Just had mine on charge for like 30 mins and not hot or warm to me, but I have warm hands all the time. After using it for awhile surfing etc, she definitely gets warm.
All the phones ive had get hot while or after charging ... i believe its quite normal
Mine does.. at least while charging from a USB, it gets quite hot. not like burning hot, but warm non the less.
Mine gets very warm in the car mount and charger, I wasnt sure if it was from charging or the sun comming through the windshield.

Also think it depends on how empty the battery is, mine tends to get warmer when the battery is lower.
Warm, related to short battery life?

Haven't been able to confirm it, but it seems to me that whenever my Droid is warm, its battery life is also very short. It's not always warm, but when it is I check the battery.
This afternoon, battery was down to 15% with virtually no usage throughout the day.
Mine got REALLY warm when I was using the google sky map...and closed it but didnt kill was still running..and made it very warm. So if you have it charging you may also want to see How many apps are running...
mine gets pretty warm. and barely holds a charge though the entire day
The heat generated during a charge cycle is caused by the traditional carbon anode, and is quite normal in Lithium-Ion batteries. It should be warm... not HOT. Hot would indicate poor ventilation and very hot conditions can cause the battery to degrade (over time).
Does your phone feel warm - hot to the touch after charging?

YES! My phone recently has been getting VERY hot while charging on my regular charger. My battery life has never been good but recently it has gotten way worse! Like after charging all night it is dead within 2 hours. I have tried task killers and buying a new battery but it always results in a very short battery life! uggg! I love this phone but hate dealing with all these battery issues!
Does your phone feel warm - hot to the touch after charging?

YES! My phone recently has been getting VERY hot while charging on my regular charger. My battery life has never been good but recently it has gotten way worse! Like after charging all night it is dead within 2 hours. I have tried task killers and buying a new battery but it always results in a very short battery life! uggg! I love this phone but hate dealing with all these battery issues!
Get rid of the task killers. You think you are helping your phone out, but you are wasting your time and your battery. Android "knows" what should be running in the back ground, and every time you kill off a process, android has to open it back up. As far as your charging issues go, have you tried a different charger? If you have replaced the battery, and you can eliminate the charger as a culprit, then you will know there's an issue with the phone.