I wonder how much apple pays for this nonsense.. I get people everyday switching from the IPhone..
That is a great question. It is a FACT that surveys can be rigged and that companies do sometimes pay to have a rigged survery published as objective data. As the article illustrates, Apple and AT&T have been badly in need of some good PR.
The only thing I believe about that survey is 80% of IPhone users would buy another (and didn't Jobs say about 80% of IPhone4 sales were upgrades?). Many IPhone users seem to exhibit what can only be described as "blind loyalty". Comical watching them gush over "new" features that were stock Droid 9 months ago. They have no idea - and generally no interest - in amazing features and capabilities their IPwned denies them.
Only 20% would buy another Android phone? That finding is not the least bit believable.