I take everything back I ever said bad about Dolphin hd!.
I installed the latest version last night and ran some test back to back with Xscope 6 and here were my findings.
first off,
Speed - Dolphin HD wins
Zooming and scrolling MUCH smoother with Dolphin HD, like Glass.
Formatting, sites are formatted more correctly in PC mode than Xscope, they look great and arent all jumbled up as they are in xscope, like wikipedia PC mode for instance.
Flash, Flash is working pretty amazingly in Dolphin hd over xscope,
load up youtube pc site, load the video and zoom in and out with xscope and then do the same with Dolphin, Xscopes video turns grey and zooms off the screen..
Addons, Dolphin HD has some really sweet addons, just like chrome extensions..
My only gripe is the chuncky clunky tabs, and ugly icons, but with the tab switcher addon this isnt too much of an issue.
If you hated Dolphin as much as I did try it now and put it thru its paces.. it kills xscope.