Best app so far! (Pinch to zoom browser and 100x faster internet)

So basically your computer will be running and this just displays the operations on your DROID? I mean don't get me wrong that's incredible but I just wanna be clear if it's what I need before I buy the APP. Thanks guys.
So basically your computer will be running and this just displays the operations on your DROID? I mean don't get me wrong that's incredible but I just wanna be clear if it's what I need before I buy the APP. Thanks guys.

That is exactly what it does. Much like a Go-To-PC or similar screen sharing program. The thing is, I have never used a screen sharing system that worked this well. With a good Wifi connection, it is pretty incredible.
Do you have to have a wi-fi connection? Does it work over 3g? And I'm assuming with wi-fi you can't be at any wi-fi location.... just your home network)
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Do you have to have a wi-fi connection? Does it work over 3g? And I'm assuming with wi-fi you can't be at any wi-fi location.... just your home network)

3G does work (as well as other wifi networks), but again, it is not as good. However, it would certainly work in the even you needed to access your PC remotely and that is truly the benefit of the product. I don't see it being a complete replacement for the phones built in tools, at least not yet. It could possibly get there at some point however I'm sure.
Do you have to have a wi-fi connection? Does it work over 3g? And I'm assuming with wi-fi you can't be at any wi-fi location.... just your home network)

It works well over 3G. I haven't tried WiFi yet. It truly is an amazing application. :icon_ banana:
If you don't mind me asking what are you guys using this APP for primarily? I currently have a free app for transferring files between my PC and DROID. Is the browser thru PhoneMyPC faster than Wi-Fi with the native browser? (So you can view flash content since the phone is just acting as a "viewer" right?)

I guess my question is are you guys using this to say access solitaire on your pc for a quick game or are you doing some major word processing or using a specific app not available for mobile platforms (ie. Frostwire, Winamp etc?)
That is a very cool looking and functional app! Only thing that worries me is they do not have SSL activated until the beta is complete.
copied from another site:


My name is Scott. I'm the lead engineer at, the developer of PhoneMyPC.

I found your thread and thought I'd say a few words in response.

@SilleeString, we're glad you like it! It is most definitely safe. When your phone and PC connect to our servers, they use SSL, and we do not monitor or keep your traffic; all we do is ferry data between your two devices, and keep a few simple usage statistics (how many bytes transmitted, etc.) but nothing is tied to your account.

You can see details here: - PhoneMyPC Internals

@Pinesal, you can use any feature on your PC that you would if sitting there. But, as mentioned by SilleeString, the performance (in terms of raw frames per second) is not stellar at this time.

As for the multitouch, we're working to improve the speed and accuracy of our multitouch; look for improvements within a couple releases.

@Synergy, about stability, some people report that is is amazingly stable, others not. But, yesterday's release has an auto-report mechanism in it and using the reports we've received, we have been able to put giant red bullseyes on a couple of great bugs. Look for that stability to go up soon.

As for the LAN bit, that's actually a common misconception. In the true release, none of this will matter, but let me explain anyway.

When you install the software on the PC, it quietly connects to one of our internet servers. When you run the app on your phone, it also connects to one of our servers. The server gives it a list of PC's with your credentials, and you see that list on the phone.

When you click on one of the PC's on the phone, the phone and PC negotiate to see if they can connect "directly from the phone to the PC."

If they cannot, they continue to use a network path through our servers. In this case, the "Live" features are disabled in the Beta, simply because of the cost of bandwidth.

If they can connect, all features work.

So, think of this like using VNC: the Phone must be able to "find" your PC on the internet. The only difference is that you don't need to know your IP address; the software takes care of that.

Take a typical home computer. The usual configuration to make things work right is:
1) Create an exception to Windows Firewall that allows port 49300
2) Configure your DSL or other router to "forward" port 49300 to your PC

IF both devices are on the same LAN, then they will use that path (it will be the fastest, after all), but it's not required.

In any case, our goal is to provide the best features to the widest audience, and since firewall configuration can be rough for some, and since corporate users generally have no choice, we will be giving all features full support soon.

A final note on that topic: consider that most services giving remote control support using a hosted solution charge $6-$8 per month. The iPhone's remote control app costs $29.95. We are now--and will remain--well below both of those price points.


you get a new video frame every ~1/2 sec, if your home internet is broadband then you only have to wait 1-2 sec for every page. How is the phone ever going to be that fast? even on wifi?
I just tested my fav website. 16 sec for phone browser, 4 sec for PhoneMyPC.

How come the phone isn't as fast has a desktop browser if they're both using broadband (dsl PC, and Wifi dsl Phone)? - just curious how the technologies differ.
I can't see surfing from my homepc with my phone....

The browser on the phone is fast enough...
I tried this app out last week and while It was extremely easy to setup and overall was exactly what I was looking for, it was a bit buggy for me. When in live viewing mode it would stay up for maybe 10 minutes and freeze every time causing me to have to restart the program. I also found navigating between windows and doing basic functions almost impossible.

Would have been nice to have the remote cursor in the live area but maybe a mini version that could be brought up with a double tap or something. I only had it for 24 hours and the multi-touch was awesome. My main goal was to play poker stars on my phone and it did work with only 1/2 second latency from what I was seeing on my laptop vs the phone which I was very impressed with (was on wifi). Just couldn't keep the program up and running. If that issue along with better navigating was fixed then I would call this a must have app.
I'm guessing there is no support for Macs, correct?

emailed the developer and they claim this functionality is planned from within the same phone app...but prolly at least a few months out.
I can't see surfing from my homepc with my phone....

The browser on the phone is fast enough...
its not always about browsing the web with this:icon_eek: i put my webcam on and can see whats going on in my house from whereever i go!! sweet jaysus:-] this rocks!
Want to be more impressed?

Get PhoneMyPC on your home network (on your wifi) and then watch HULU on your PC and connect with PhoneMyPC. It keeps up really really good! (Turn quality down to lower if it lags).

Of course no sound yet but watching how well it keeps up with the video is quite impressive. Of course I am using a Droid, which has a good CPU.
