best keyboard for nexus


Feb 11, 2010
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i know there are so many of us using different keyboards for our GN i know the stock is good but i want to change to a good one i like simplicity and if it has nice themes its a plus but i want the best what do u all recommend as a great keyboard.
i know there are so many of us using different keyboards for our GN i know the stock is good but i want to change to a good one i like simplicity and if it has nice themes its a plus but i want the best what do u all recommend as a great keyboard.

I prefer stock but they all over different things.

Try them out for yourself.

A.I. type is another one.

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I moved to Swiftkey X because of lag problems with 4.02. Then I rooted and am using Axiom which uses 4.03, the lag is gone but I like the App so I'm sticking with it.
SlideIt is very nice and has several themes available in the market.

~it's not just a phone~
I go back and forth between stock, SlideIT, and SwiftKey X. Have to say I used Swiftkey the most though.
I've tried several different keyboards but Swype is still my favorite

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I have 8 keyboards installed on my GNex atm. I used to use SwiftKey X on my X for the most part for a good year. Then Better Keyboard 8 became my fave...but when I got the Nexus, I finally gave A.I. type Keyboard a try and love it...defintely my fave keyboard on the Nexus
I keep switching between Smart keyboard and Hackers keyboard. I used Thumb keyboard for awhile too, but I think it is too big for anything other than my xoom. Never heard of AI but I will give it a try now.
I keep switching between Smart keyboard and Hackers keyboard. I used Thumb keyboard for awhile too, but I think it is too big for anything other than my xoom. Never heard of AI but I will give it a try now.

I also use Thumb Keyboard. It's designed for tablets, but works really well on the Nexus in landscape mode.
I use the root app Keyboard Manager, which changes keyboards when switching between landscape and portrait mode. That way you can have TWO keyboards at the same time :biggrin:
SwiftKey X all the way! Try it for free in the trial app... If you don't fall in love with it than move on...

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