best keyboard for nexus

Yes, swift key is the best. Coming from a droid 2 it eased my transition to a touch screen.

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How does smart keyboard hold up against go keyboard. Gk sucks. Lol. I just misspelled keyboard and put an n instead of a k and it didn't even catch it.

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I used to have a hard on for Swype, but it seemed I had to spend more time correcting the errors then swyping. I now use Swift X it learns words via your text, facebook, twitter etc and gets a feel of how you type. its freaking awesome.

SwiftKey X is the best. I almost never have to type a complete word, it predicts your next word.

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giving AI type a go right now. i have a tweaked WP7 theme on it and love the larger keys and "minimal" look to it. on top of that, it seems like i have not had a single mis-type since using it. the auto correct is great.
I was actually using swiftkey x for a while but I've recently been using TouchPal and its been doin the job for me. Can't wait for Swype though.
giving AI type a go right now. i have a tweaked WP7 theme on it and love the larger keys and "minimal" look to it. on top of that, it seems like i have not had a single mis-type since using it. the auto correct is great.

A.I.type, in my opinion, far surpasses Swiftkey X, and I am a longtime user of Swiftkey. Well over a year of use. But A.I.type has beat it in autocorrection and prediction. Absolutely incredible keyboard.

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I really LIKE A I TYpe... just installed it. I had previously been using SwiftX keyboard which I think is better than Swype.. but this AI is bad ass. I love how much you can customize it. where as SwiftX only has a few colors to choose from.

I am a long time SwiftKey user and will stick with that until death. It just knows me!
I actually prefer the stock ICS keyboard because it seems most accurate getting the correct key when typing. Swiftkey X I have used and tried AI... both of these do better prediction but for some reason not as accurate when I am typing (pecking) away. Swiftkey is my second choice. AI keyboard seemed somewhat cumbersome key placement and so forth. And I am not a fan of swiping keyboards :D
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I actually prefer the stock ICS keyboard because it seems most accurate getting the correct key when typing. Swiftkey X I have used and tried AI... both of these do better prediction but for some reason not as accurate when I am typing (pecking) away. Swiftkey is my second choice. AI keyboard seemed somewhat cumbersome key placement and so forth. And I am not a fan of swiping keyboards :D
I Love stock.Tried swype,didnt like it,probly cos i dont know how to swype,but dont tell anybody:D
I tried Swype on my Droid X and hated it. Now that I have the GNex I tried the unofficial version and haven't gone back. I tried one other before I found the unofficial version and didn't care for it. Give Swype a few days and it becomes like second nature. With my biog fingers I'm really surprised that I hardly have to correct anything.
I'm a little surprised that no one has mentioned Messagease. Don't let the looks of it scare you off. Yes, it has a learning curve to it, but it is very much worth it in my opinion! It took a couple of days for me to learn it and get comfortable with it, a week to get good at it. Now, I won't use anything else. It is truly the first keyboard designed for touchscreens. When my friends see it pop up on my phone, they always give me a funny look at first. Then when they see how fast and accurately I can type on it, their eyes just get really big in amazement! I love seeing that reaction! Also, it has a game to help you learn it. Well, that's my two cents.

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