Best Screen Protector for Bionic

Feb 23, 2010
Reaction score
OK, on my OG Droid I used Steinheil. Are those still good? What about Zagg?

Honestly for the last few months I did not use one, and had not planned to use one with the Gorilla Glass. OG droid screen NEVER got a scratch. However, my Bionic has a tiny one. Like an idiot I put my keys in my pocket and I can only assume that's what did it.

So give me some rec's for screen protectors.
I got the skinomi, but had an issue like many people with the sensor. I contacted them and they said that they are now selling the screen protector with the proper sensor holes and that I can have mine replaced. Great customer service dancedroid
I've been getting zagg since my xoom and I love it... I had bb install it for me, and you can barely tell it's there. not to mention if the corners start coming up or it does get scratched they will send me a replacement...
Skinomi for life. I've ordered three from them thus far for different stuff. One had a tiny imperfection and they reshipped the whole order no questions asked. About to order my dad one for his iphone instead of whatever bubbly monstrosity is on there now. As long as they keep it up they have guaranteed my business for the long-haul.