skennelly said:No you're not. I agree with you 99.9%. I honestly think that Moto fan boys are almost as bad as apple
*Sent from my Galaxy to yours through tapatalk
Your out of your damn mind. Coming from a person that has experienced both Moto and Samsung they have had their ups and downs. Came from a OG, great build quality and seriously what started this all, GOD OF ALL PHONES then went to the Nexus and honestly after 2yrs coming from the the OG i felt like I lost some quality. The Nexus looked sleek but jesus, choppy voice calls, horrible signal and problem after problem, not to mention screen scratched easily again coming from a OG with no scratches in 2yrs and the phone felt cheap.
Traded it in and went to the Bionic, voice calls were great but the data signal was horrible, by far the worst, after putting up with it from January until 3 weeks ago I installed a ICS leak, different kernals and OMG solid data, not one drop, good voice calls, felt like a new phone, build quality awesome, no scratches on screen yet and can guarantee there wont be any. So that tells me its not neccesairly the radios but more of a software issue. So yeah it had a flaw with data but to be honest i thank alot of these data issues is surrounding VZW period but hey thats whatever.
Anyways after 6 months with my Bionic, my gf, sister and bro n law all have that Nexus that they kept and i ditched and all 3 complain all the time about how crappy the signal and calls are. So its like anything else in this world, u have bad experience with it and u hate it and vice versa. I thank anyone can agree with me that most people on this forum will say Moto has best radios and build quality and their all not moto fanboys, trust me theres a reason for that. But hey go look up Moto on wiki sometime, after u read u might understand why Moto USUALLY has the best radios, their the ones that started it all.
My rant, im done
Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Droid Forums
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