Bionic gets no love


Jun 26, 2010
Reaction score
It seems like the Bionic gets bashed for no reason. When people are comparing phones they talk about the Nexus, Razr, or Resound but never bring up the Bionic. Isn't the Bionic the same as the Razr with an extended battery?

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I was actually just at the Verizon store tonight and me and these two other guys got into talking about smartphones. Was nice to talk to other people in person who more or less knew what they were talking about (more than any employee, that's for sure). But anyways I think I may have swayed the guy towards the Bionic. And honestly I barely talked it up, in fact I probably said more bad things about it than good. I pretty much just showed him mine. He didn't like the non removable battery of the Razr, or the non removable storage for the Nexus. He narrowed it down to the Rezound or the Bionic. He liked HTC sense but knew they were bad about updates. I told him "you can always use an alternate launcher and use a Sense theme," and he had just bought ADW Ex for .10c during that deal.

I think what really sold him though was that these were new phones so they're bound to have issues, while the Bionic just got its first update which has fixed most of its issues from release. The Bionic has also been dropped to $200 so...