What will i get if i warranty my bionic?

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sweeeeet said:
can't believe what I'm reading in this topic.. if someone is unhappy with his phone for whatever reason whether its data drop call quality or many other things... ur saying just suck it up? come on now... they put out these products so if they wanna limit the amount of returns its on them to put out better quality items... not for us to return it and be slammed with future fees... as the fees go up the customers leave and they know that.. there's plenty of ppl like me that have insurance on multiple phones and haven't even used it so there is some balance... but don't think for one second that if I wasn't happy with my phone that id get it replaced over and over until they sent me a good one

if ur phone is fine and ur still wanting to swap it.. that's another story

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk

Thank u
I don't believe anybody was telling the OP or lifted to just suck it up... but rather to simply stay honest and transparent in their persistent efforts to get what they paid for.
This thread went from an easy question, what should I expect, to how to lie and cheat may way to whatever. I can quote post but do your due diligence and do it yourselves. I chimed in early and gave an honest answer and then the pushed messages some of which repulsed me.

If your not a good enough liar don't air it on a public forum.

Bash me go ahead.
I think this whole thread needs to calm down before it escalates into a flame war.

You can all be as self righteous or over entitled and honestly that doesn't matter because this is the internet. Just remember that people.

Thanks for the answers let's hope it doesn't go south from here

Sent from my frozenly delicious bionic.
liftedplane said:
I think this whole thread needs to calm down before it escalates into a flame war.

You can all be as self righteous or over entitled and honestly that doesn't matter because this is the internet. Just remember that people.

Thanks for the answers let's hope it doesn't go south from here

Sent from my frozenly delicious bionic.

I agree I'll quietly unsubscribe so I don't have any need to orate or opine. If I knew how to "like" you have one lifted plane.
Not on high horse pal, i work my ass off for what i get and cant stand an outright blatant thieving liar.

Sent from my ICS .238 DROID BIONIC using Droid Forums
virgil71468 said:
Not on high horse pal, i work my ass off for what i get and cant stand an outright blatant thieving liar.

Sent from my ICS .238 DROID BIONIC using Droid Forums

Its not lying if ur phone is crap u deserve a working phone from verizon nothing less an if u have to embellish it a bit to get a decent phone then do it some people did the exact same thing with the bionic to get a better device instead of waiting for updates an ICS to fix it
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