I don't know if it is the engineer in me or what, but I use excel wwaaayy more than I should... I have one that I have been entering the details from every time I buy a tank of gas (amount of gas, mileage, price/gal, total price, location, date) just for figuring fuel efficiency and as well as looking at how many miles I'm putting on my truck each month. I have an excel populated with the TV shows that I watch along with the date that any new episodes will be on or when a new season starts. I have an excel tracking all of my expenses each month that also calculates the total, most, least, and average I pay to each service/utility. At one point I had an excel weighing the pro's and con's of the phones I was considering as well as another for tablets. Did the same when I bought a new TV for my living, actually had a full "figure of merit" for it with differently weighted aspects and features... I guess it's just the best way for me to get my head around things sometimes.