Well, I've put the 5.5.893 and the 5.6.893 leaked OTA updates on my phone and I can report, that on phone, these updates solved the camera issue, music stutter, wifi to 3G hand-off and the 3G to 4G to 3G hand-off. Also, I've not had a seconds worth of data disconnection either (this is totally true for 3G, but I can't claim too much for 4G as I'm almost never in a 4G area). I was in a 4G area today and the switching between 3g-4G was great. During that time it did SEEM that the 4G signal was stronger, but that is just a "seat-of-the-pants" statement (and I haven't had my seat-of-the-pants calibrated in months and months!!). YMMV!!
Good luck.