Have you ever used one? I am not an Apple owner, but have used them enough to know they are very well built phones. I prefer Android for sure, but I can understand why a lot of folks dig them.
Their crazy fans annoy me, but the product is great.
I am a reformed Apple bigot, with very serious credentials that go back to the early 80's.
I disconnected with Apple in the late 90's, once I realized that the Intel/Microsoft platform aquired equal multimedia production capabilities (my job) but far surpassed Apple on the compatibilty front. Never looked back.
But I agree with the frustrating Apple fanboi/sheep that really don't own-up to reality. All that I've heard is that the 4s has revolutionary capabilities to connect to a "cloud service", to "recognize your commands" and that it's the "fastest" phone money can buy. I am sure it's a solid piece of hardware, Apple has always been known for that. But for those that understand current technology, the sheep comments and worse yet, the media, are frustrating to listen to.
Some rational perspectives that say that "it's a good phone", "Siri has some functions that Android voice apps don't have yet, and vice versa", or "the 4s dual cores are fast but in practice 3G is nowhere near 4G, so the user experience is that the 4s really doesn't respond as quickly for many tasks", would be refreshing to hear.
Still, the power of Apple flavored kool-aid is undeniably strong.