Bissgest battery without extending the back?


Jun 1, 2011
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Finally took the plunge towards the Rezound and it should get shipped here tomorrow. Now I was wondering; whats the biggest battery for the Rezound without actually increasing the backing?

Sent from a forgotten phone... I mean HTC Thunderbolt.

Sent from a forgotten phone... I mean HTC Thunderbolt.
What's wrong with extending the back a little?
Buying the extended battery doesn't increase the thickness or the weight that much but REALLY increases the battery life!
It's a dramatic difference.

Loving my rooted bloatfree Rezound!
I have the extended battery. It makes the phone thick and super ugly, imo.

Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk
I actually prefer the extended battery for the extra thickness. The way it is sloped helps me hold it, grab it better. I've always used an extended battery when possible because I have large hands and the way the ridges are curved makes it very ergonomic on this phone for me.
I'm not aware of any batteries besides the OEM size that fit in the OEM cover

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A Rezound phone was used for this TapaTalk post
Different strokes I guess.
I wondered at first if I could could get used to it but, since I haven't pondered it much beyond the first day, it seems like I can.

Perhaps buying the belt clip case that goes around the extended battery case making it thicker still completely destroyed any sexiness the phone ever had.

Now, when I remove the belt case, taking it down to only the extended battery, it seems positively slim!

Ah, perspective.

I guess I'm a function over form kind of guy. I wear cargo pants daily so I suppose a big ass brick phone fits my style.

But I can put my phone in the case or in my pocket at 7am, use it virtually any way that I want to all day and still have juice left when I plug it back in at midnight.

A fair trade, methinks.

Loving my rooted bloatfree Rezound!
I agree the extra thickness of the extended cover/holster does seem to make it brick sized but the weird thing for me is though the phone is huge in hand, it feels lighter than with just the extended battery and no case. Perhaps it's just a brain perception thing. Something that large should feel heavier?
At any rate with the extended battery and case it feels about as thick as the Otterbox Defender on my Omnia but not so boxy

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A Rezound phone was used for this TapaTalk post
Does anyone know how thicker the extended battery would make the phone in mm?

Sent from a forgotten phone... I mean HTC Thunderbolt.
When will the extended battery come back in stock?
Aww #@! $
I just realized I misspelled "Biggest. "

Sent from a forgotten phone... I mean HTC Thunderbolt.
Do any cases exist for these extended batteries?
Do i need to worry about any specific brand being better than another?

Can someone post a few pics and a link to where you are getting these?

I have the Rezound with extended battery (only about 1.5 weeks old). I purchased it in my home town of Phoenix AZ, then that same day flew to Vegas. I was there for over a week and loved the phone, minus a few quirks, but that is another post. The whole time there I was using the internet, taking pics, talking on the phone and never had a battery issue.

Now I am back in my home town, and the phone can't even go through a 10 hr day with MAYBE 40mins of talk time and the rest is pretty much idle or the occasional time check. No 4g usage, limited texts. The phone remains idle more than not for sure. I already tried *22899 to see if maybe that was causing it. Not sure what else to do.

Maybe it is time to root and freeze the bloatware (I am techy and computer savvy but have never rooted my phones before). But I can't imaging NOT having the extended battery, otherwise this phone might be dead by mid day.
What is your reception at home like? Under settings, about phone, network, what is your signal strength? Above -90dbm throughout the day will suck the battery quickly ( i live in a craptacular reception area so I write from first hand knowledge)
I'd also check your battery usage by settings, about phone, battery, what been using my battery. The screen will probably be #1 by far but what's next could help nail it down
you haven't mentioned changing any settings or sync schedules .

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A Rezound phone was used for this TapaTalk post
signal strength for most of the day is between -72dbm & -66dbm Today voice is taking 43%, display 32%, standby 9%, idle 8%, os 7%

I have used the phone (for calls) for less than 30mins so far today (across several calls). And checked a few emails and text maybe 10 texts..I am at half battery already...its been 6 hours.

Have not changed any sync or specific settings