I called them immediately and asked them why they cancelled my order, when they KNOW that I didn't request it to be cancelled. The guy said that they had a system error and were cancelling all the orders, but that if I wanted them to complete it they would and the total would be $199 with shipping and tax. I told him that I had a price quote and confirmation in writing for a different price, and the guy said that it didn't matter, the price was wrong due to a system error and that the only way they could complete and ship my order was for $199.
I then asked how they could quote me one price and then change it later, and he said that they have the right to review all orders. I said yes, but your website says that the order is confirmed and pending while you process the credit card charges, and that THAT is what your "review process" is, at least according to the confirmation email that I was sent.
He said it doesn't matter, the system had an error and that the price they quoted was wrong and will not be honored. I asked him why other people that I have talked to got their batteries at that price already, and he said he is not there to talk about other people's orders, just mine. I told him I would take the email and take it up with the BBB and he said "good luck with that, have a nice day."
Well, I am not sure that it is worth the time and effort to try and pursue it to get some batteries. VZW had legal look at it, they decided that their exposure was minimal and not worth losing $50k in batteries, so they just cancelled the orders and can blame it on a system error, which there was.
Your call.
I have done about a 1/2 dozen of these letters for friends, and usually (not always) it doesn't go any farther than the letter. You send the letter, state what you are looking for, show where the company had been "unfair or deceptive", explain that their exposure is 3X (could be more or less depending on the state) what was actually lost and you will be entitled to legal fees (this is the big one, nobody wants to pay $2500 for your attorney, when they could have sent you your widgets for $200)
What you have at the end is a letter that states you want X delivered as promised or I'm going to sue you for $3000.00 (damages/penalties/legal fees), you can then sue if you like or not. If they tell you to pound sand and you don't want to file suit, all you've done is written a letter. (also many times the letters end up in the legal department, who really don't want to be bothered for the small amount of $ being requested.)
I do agree with you though, there are times when the time, effort & $$ required to chase something just isn't worth it.
I've had people come to me looking to sue somebody over $800.00 (example), I tell them it will most likely cost around $4000.00 if the other side doesn't respond favorably to the intitial demand letter. These people may have a very winnable case, but just because of the numbers, they are SOL. (I do usually give them a little lesson on how to do it themselves.)
Nice bike, cold up here now. Got 1 ride in after Thanksgiving.
08 CBR1000 (thats a stock picture I found on some wallpaper app), also have a 07 vstar 1300 and an 01 KDX 220. Once December hits up here the season is pretty much over, really anything after halloween is a bonus. I'll watch the videos tonight, I'm really goofing off, should be working. Its hard to keep focused on Fridays when your self employed. 04/01 - 11/01 is my riding season, anything lower than 58 degrees is my tipping point, at that point I like the truck with heat, radio and cupholder.
I would love to do a track day, but my complete lack of talent has always held me back.
Hijacking thread sorry