Well this gets me even more excited to switch to Droid at the end of the month... Im currently on an S2(used to be S1) and have been not so patiently awaiting my annual upgrade for quite some time.
Wait no longer my friend. Give your friendly Verizon representative a call and inquire into an early upgrade. Tell them you're not happy with your S2 because of the escape button issue (my complaint). They more then likely will be happy to push your upgrade date up with either a 1 or 2 year contract extension.
It doesn't hurt to call. I actually had to make 2 calls but scored on the second one. This was in November and my upgrade date wasn't until August 2010.
They already pushed it up 30 days on the phone, I tried before going back to school at a store too but apparently our last update was pushed up too by my dad so they were less than willing... but I only have to wait 13-14 more days:icon_ banana:
I never really got the whole BBM thing either... all of my friends are easily reachable by text, aim, email, facebook or call and not all of them have blackberrys.
You will be EXTREMELY happy you got the DROID.
I am glad I came to my senses... I must have entered a space time continuum or something.
I think if I had gone through with the return, I would have been kicking my @$$...
Basically, I just saved myself a sore rearend... LOL!!!