stream of consciousness from former BB Storm 2 user
I wasn't even in the market for something to replace my Blackberry Storm 2 when I ended up killing a little time in a Verizon store on Droid X launch date. I've been a loooonngg time BB power user going back to the first BB around 2002. I was impressed with the responsiveness of the DX. My company uses Intermedia for outsourced exchange server (multiple users running Outlook 2007). After confirming that there would be a way to get my exchange email on the DX, I found a DX the day following launch. I switched my email account from Blackberry enterprise server to Good Mobile Messaging. I've been using a Droid X since early August. My impressions:
1. Way faster. Had no idea how pokey the Storm 2 was until I began using the Droid X. Definitely in the iPhone league. Made the Blackberry Storm 2 look so 1995.
2. Much faster email sync. It could take 15-20 minutes for calendar or email entries to sync between my Storm2 and desktop Outlook. The Droid syncs within 2-3 minutes, always.
3. I did like the pseudo-click of the screen when typing on the Storm2. You don't get that with the Droid X. But you get a WAY better typing experience, especially if you have fat finger or 50-something old eyes.
4. As with overall performance, I had no idea who bad the Storm2 web browser was until I began using the DX. Aside from a lack of Flash, it works just like a desktop browser.
5. I also have a Yahoo POP email account. The DX grabs that too, although as with the Storm2, duplicate emails are problematic.
6. Attachments, esp PDF's open smoothly and zoom in/out smoothly using pinch motions.
7. It shines if you're into social networking like Facebook.
8. You're going to want an unlimited data plan.
Downsides (and one is stunningly significant):
1. Small thing: It's not possible to display email message lists in black with a white background.
2.Really big thing: It's not possible to search through or sort exchange or POP email. Incredible but true. Looking for an email message from John Jones? Forget it. You can certainly flick down the list, but that's it. Want to sort messages by date or person and then delete all of a certain criteria? Nope.