I installed it yesterday and at first I loved it, but...
I keep getting FCs on my home and it runs really warm just doing simple things.
Anyway to mod the kernel?
How do I get more than 3 screens in launcher pro?
LauncherPro still has a few bugs with FC's when the orientation of the phone changes, I just turn this feature off and it seems to help
You can install different kernels, I just tried Jake's kernel and it seemed pretty quick, I've been testing different ones to see what works.
NOTE: If you flash a different kernel over the ones on shown on ROM Manager you will lose Pete's startup script which allows you to run without SetCPU, so you will need to use it. (That said I never stopped using it)
If you hit the menu key on the home screen you will see an icon for preferences, hit that and your different options for LauncherPro will come up.
Right on thanks!

My phone doesn't seem to like any kernel above 800 for long runs so I was hoping I could go a little slower, I know I won't fry it but it's a comfort thing.
Thanks for the tip on Launcher pro. Guess I should have thought of that...
I really like this theme, thanks again.