Long story short...
New to forums and such so I hope I am posting in right place. I am 39, still learning this technology and I drive a loud dump truck for 11 hours a day 6 days a week. I had original droid but now have the BIONIC. I need a Bluetooth headset/earpeice that works, that I can hear over the truck and that keeps me hands free and off the phone itself.
I spent big money and tried the Motorola elite silver from Verizon... junk! no one could hear me!
I tried a cheap Just Wireless BT-38 from Target... worked great and it used the free app my moto speak (which on a side not I hate cause it sounds like a cheap copmputer voice from the late 80's) However the earpice was too damn uncomfprtable.
Took both bluetooths back and the got the BLUEANT Q2. I love it. It is loud, fits well and I can hear you and everyone can hear me clear... HOWEVER, THE VOICE COMANDS DOES NOt WORK!!!???!!!!
When I hit the button on headset it says loading voice commands then says not compatable with phone!!!! Are you kidding me??!! 300 bucks for Bionic and 100 bucks for Q2 (both state of the art and fairly new) and still I can't win. Please help me. I read on some threads that Q2 works with Bionic and on other threads it does not.
Yes both pair to each other and calls are clear but voice comands to activate make call or text with voice does not for me